Apprenticeships in the news again


Regulatory strategy – will things change? 

Don’t overlook Ofqual’s Regulatory report on the License-linked qualifications used in the private security industry (published 31 January 2017). Since Ofqual are quite clear that it contains ‘wider lessons’ and walks through several...

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Institute for Apprenticeships – Draft Strategy – get your response in

The closing date for comments on the draft strategy is 31 January. Whether you support the move to establish the IfA, or not what they appear to have been given to deliver against seems something of a poison chalice. The consultation document is peppered with...

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Diary dates and more from the Technical and Further Education Bill

It’s been a slow news period but with some amendments being published in relation to the Bill and the implementation of a couple of aspects of it we should anticipate the wheels are beginning to turn rather faster. On 4 January, amendments included:...

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Known unknown – post the Technical and Further Education Bill

Awarding Organisations know a lot about proceeding with caution, about testing and piloting things before they go live; about consulting and asking for feedback; about using independent individuals to check our thinking on developments; making sure there is no...

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Qualifications off the list

Even if your AO is not regulated by Qualifications Wales or part of the health, social care and childcare sector DO READ ON – and my thoughts on whether this a model for the future of reducing down AOs and qualifications?  Last week...

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Controls and culture

One area amongst my recent favourites to read and learn about is culture. There is a saying about ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast’ (Peter Drucker). I have a theory that poor culture also results in poor control.  We use controls to...

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Chief Regulator's recent speech

Sally Collier shared some of her expereinces on the first 6 months in the role at the FAB conference yesterday. Nothing really new news wise but a reminder that we will see fewer qualifications as part of the 15 technical routes as part of the Government's Post 16...

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Thinking third party risk and due diligence

As AOs we engage with many third parties, beyond the centres who might provide training and assessment towards our qualification outcomes. The immediate third parties we think of are examiners, EQAs (external quality assurers), external verifiers and moderators. I...

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Post 16 Skills Plan and the future of awarding

Having carried a copy of the Plan with me for a while I eventually got chance to give it a read. I was stunned. Not about the need for clarity in our system, or for highlighting apprenticeships, or the college or employer route options but for the scathing attack on...

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Getting assessment right is a test in itself

My recent observation from a number of AOs is that assessment management seems to becoming more challenging. Also managing assessment design and development projects has become more complex and technical; understanding and steering developments so that they are valid...

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    SY15 6DF

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