Introduction to past projects

Projects often include a range of requirements and Awarding First can provide support with project management including planning, development and implementation.

Some example of work carried out by Heather Venis:

Validity audit ready programme – supporting AOs with their preparations and readiness for an Ofqual validity audit.

Ofqual self-evaluation exercises – leading awarding organisations through the process of reviewing their organisation and its practices against the General Conditions of Recognition. Informing the action planning and the compliance return for the Regulator(s).

Malpractice enquiry – investigation into regulated and non-regulated provision being delivered in the UK and internationally. This looked at the robustness of quality assurance arrangements, and whether there was sufficient resources and leadership in place. 

Obtaining Ofqual recognition – the application that Heather led for the IFA was the first Ofqual had received that did not require any additional follow up questions or requirements from Ofqual.

Developing a competence framework for trainee accountants – linking the knowledge and skills developed through the ACCA examinations to the competencies trainees where developing at work.

Qualifications development – establishing user needs and support, qualification design and specification. Work included levelling and credit rating, specifying assessment and quality assurance requirements for awards.  Obtaining QCF accreditation.

Benchmarking survey – an online survey and report of what some 30+ awarding organisations do in relation to their Ofqual compliance monitoring and self-evaluation.


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  • Awarding First
    Priest Weston,
    SY15 6DF

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