Heather Venis

Heather Venis is Principal of Awarding First and has significant experience working for awarding and professional bodies as a leader, manager, innovator and change agent.

Heather has a track record of successful projects for awarding organisations. 

Background – for more than 20 years I worked as a senior manager for several small and medium sized professional and awarding bodies including the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors, Institute of Financial Accountants and others. For 5 years I also worked for a large global awarding organisation, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).

Experience - I was Responsible Officer; lead an organisation through and achieved Ofqual awarding organisation status; delivered successful qualification development and specification projects; designed and brought in fit for purpose quality assurance and standards arrangements for organisations; lead policy work; and set up competency frameworks. 

Roles – I have worked as a director, project leader, manager and facilitator developing strategy, new products, systems and policy. I have experience as a mentor, facilitator and trainer; have provided training workshops, and delivered conference platform and online presentations.

I recommend and work with expert Associates, to meet specific client requirements as needed.




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  • Awarding First
    Priest Weston,
    SY15 6DF

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