Getting assessment right is a test in itself

My recent observation from a number of AOs is that assessment management seems to becoming more challenging. Also managing assessment design and development projects has become more complex and technical; understanding and steering developments so that they are valid but at the same time manageable and efficient can be a fine balancing act. Thinking about minimising bias, what reasonable adjustments might be applied, how technology directly or indirectly influences developments pose challenges too.

There is also a pressure to make sure our subject matter experts also have the assessment design and development skills needed. The design of assignments, written exams, multiple choice tests etc all throw up different technical thinking and approaches to the task. That then challenges who you recruit into assessment design and development roles. Can your usual subject matter experts develop both assignments and MCQs?

My other observation is there is not much useful literature shared or published on assessment methods generally (I hope this statement might bring a flurry of references or good, practical publications on assessment). What there is can be highly academic and doesn't address practicable issues or doesn't share technical know-how. Or sometimes it is wrapped up in the technical sector so it's not so easy to see how you might transfer it to your sector.

Should we start to talk about these areas more and share as assessment managers? I think yes. How and where?

If you would like to have a chat about assessment development and how you do it please get in touch, no obligation.

Heather Venis

Principal, Awarding First

M: 0789 479 6262


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