Moderation, centre controls and direct claims

The recent correspondence from Ofqual uses a different tone to the usual. There is more threat in it. They seem quite sure that AOs are non-compliant on the matter of direct claims too. It also feels like they think there are a lot of AOs in this position, hence their providing a ‘period of time’, a stay of execution, time to get compliant. This is odd behaviour for the regulator. But maybe not?

Also factor in that Government policy is very much about taking back control in the vocational and technical awarding sector. Championing employers to come up with assessment plans for Apprenticeships, employer lead panels leading the construction of T levels. Contracting with a single supplier of qualifications for each pathway. Being quite specific about having external assessment and grading in place.  That they are opening up having qualifications as part of Apprenticeships may sound like its bucking this centralisation trend, but not quite. Any qualifications are to be competence based or more ‘off- the -job’ technical qualifications. So they are prescribing the types and say that including qualifications is seen as a temporary requirement whilst apprenticeship standards ‘gain currency’. 

It is a time of rapid change, a melting pot. And they seem to want to melt AOs in it.

But what has this go to do with Ofqual’s correspondence? They want more moderation, or better moderation. This increased or improved moderation activity will cost. Whatever strategies you employ in moderation, however, well worked out your sampling activity is, will it be enough in the regulator’s eyes? Bearing the burden of doing the right thing by the regulator could be un-economical. Quite how they will adjudicate on when enough moderation is enough will be interesting. Also, if you employ direct claims, but can’t make a good enough justification to keep it, how will it affect your market?

Time to get smarter. To be a step ahead. What qualification products to keep, how they may need to be adjusted, how you can add value to them? These are good questions to be thinking about right now.


Heather Venis

Principal, Awarding First


T: 01588 650 152

M: 0789 479 6262


Heather has been advising on regulation, supporting and leading development work and helping with systems, processes and regenerating teams in AOs.

If you would like an independent and objective view on your compliance or some aspect of your development work, delivery or operations that includes realistic action plans and support, honest input professionally delivered please get in touch.  



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