Qualification lifecycle and AO processes 

A while back I published some ideas about the processes that should be in place to support the qualification lifecycle and recently I was brought back to it. I’ve just updated it and thought it would be worth sharing again.  

In my work I see gaps in, or incomplete understanding of AO processes. Standardisation, reporting and review of results, qualification evaluation are more-often weak spots. Sometimes it’s because the AO calls the process something else and doesn’t recognise the relationship to the generic process in qualification development/delivery/awarding, or have done it that way for many years but have lost why they do it that way and its importance. 

Review and fresh eyes on processes is a good thing. It makes us question why we do things, and why that way? A review can help us be more efficient.  However, do AOs review their processes as a matter of course? Whereas we do review policies.  I’d encourage equal billing for procedures, because they are often a key to making sure we keep compliant through consistent practices and standards. 

You can download the document here

So, 3 years on..

Its three years since Awarding First was born and I became a freelance consultant. I’ve met some amazing people who have been tackling complex and/or large scale change, need an additional pair of hands, or are looking for an independent and fresh perspective to identify a way forward. 

I’ve got involved with organisational development, risk management, qualification review and development and become the Chairman of an AO governing body, amongst other things. Often my involvement comes about because the AO recognises it needs an independent view on things, some additional expertise, or where things are beginning to creak. Usually creaking seems to be due to the break-down of communications, lack of reporting, or lack of planning. 

If there are things you would like to see discussed in my blog please let me know!

Heather Venis

Principal, Awarding First

E: heather@awardingfirst.co,uk T: 0789 479 6262

Awarding First supports Awarding Organisations with professional backup, guidance, knowledge and skills development on regulatory requirements, compliance position, AO development, qualifications development and quality assurance arrangement. Heather has a breadth and depth of experience in the sector and works with a range of AOs. 



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