Statutory Guidance for Condition G4 on Confidentiality of Assessment Materials and Conduct of Specified Training Events – Recent Ofqual Consultation

If you had the opportunity to review and respond to the recent consultation on confidentiality of assessment materials and conduct of specified training events there were a few nuances that could be troubling. Firstly, it seemed that Ofqual were possibly looking to widen out what a ‘training event’ might mean, they say ‘a training event is typically a meeting at which Teachers are given information about a particular regulated qualification’; I don’t think it is, a training event is something much more specific than a meeting, with a carefully considered agenda and there has been some detailed planning done to deliver the event. 

Looking at the consultation again, I’d encourage AOs to have in place (if not already there) a policy on the planning and delivery of training events that very specifically describes what such an event aims to do, the audiences, what can or cannot be shared at such events, who may not attend eg question setters for those qualifications being discussed, etc. I would look to clearly state what is not a training event too eg casual or planned meeting with centre staff, etc. 

This is a problematic area where mid-level and senior AO managers can often be involved in administrative reviews, managing the assessment development process and for some involved in final sign-off of assessment materials. This is particularly true for smaller AOs that have smaller staff bases, or where the subject matter relies upon a very small pool of experts in the field who support on several fronts and not just assessment.  These individuals have exposure to assessment information and therefore the knowledge to pass on. So, their involvement in meetings that could be construed as a ‘training event’ is best to be avoided. Getting this down in a policy about what is and what is not permissible and identified as a ‘specified training events’ is a good idea as sets the standard for all staff.

Some other things to think about in relation to this Condition include:

• Think about training materials and publications as well as training events where confidential information could be disclosed. Be clear in your policy and in agreements etc that the AO is to be protected and risks managed.  

• When was the last review of contracts of employment and third party contracts eg examiners, are they clear about confidentiality and privacy in relation to assessment materials, training and publications and what they may, or may not do in relation to them? 

• Have you covered off when someone leaves the organisation and if there needs to be a period where they are not to discuss, share or write about the AO assessments and content?

• Is it clear to all staff what materials are confidential and what are not? Write it down in the Condition G4 Policy.

• Where training events are organised, or publications agreed is there someone responsible for making sure that they do not breech G4 criteria? For example, someone in authority checks the agenda/content, what’s been promised to the audience in terms of content, presentations, handouts, who will be the delivering training, etc.

• How will you check that nothing confidential has been disclosed at an event? Will someone attend to monitor this? Are there recordings or notes that can be checked? Have it in the G4 Policy.

• What security controls are there to protect confidential information? eg encrypted files, secure storage, access only rights etc. 

• What’s the escalation and process if you find that confidential information has been shared? Link this to your B3 Event Notification and investigation procedure.


Heather Venis

Principal, Awarding First


T: 0789 479 6262


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