What about fairness in assessment?

On from validity we are all concerned that the assessments we present are fair tests too. I felt quite uncomfortable recently on reading Ofqual news items on this subject. It seems that in general exams (GCSEs and A levels) where a review of marks was asked for it often resulted in an increase of the original mark given. For me it raises questions about whether mark schemes or solutions were effectively applied to make sure marking and any re-marking was consistent and therefore fair; also how good is standardisation and moderation?

Hats off to Ofqual that they have told exam boards that they:

  • must tell examiners who review results that they should not change marks unless there is a clear marking error
  • must monitor their reviewers to make sure that they are acting consistently
  • will have to categorise the reasons about why a result has or has not been changed and, when requested to do so, provide this information to the centre or student.

See 26th May 2016 news story on the Ofqual website.

The news article also highlights that there is not always a ‘single right mark’ or a ‘wrong mark.’ It’s true that one professional’s judgement can see more sometimes than another. I’m guessing that with the volumes it’s difficult to have a dialogue amongst all of those involved to come to an agreed conclusion on whether an answer in a script is worth more.

Fairness is also part of the minimising bias agenda too. Making sure assessments don’t stereotype or discriminate, are equally representative, etc. Also that appropriate reasonable adjustments are in place so that assessments can be accessed fairly by all.

What does fairness mean to you?

I’m always interested in debate and learning more about what you think. Let me know heather@awardingfirst.co.uk

Heather Venis

Principal, Awarding First

Watch for my next blog post on 1 July


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