Funding funnels and AO products

I have tended to stay away from funding issues to focus on my specialisms. However, it's not so easy. In qualification development the question of ‘who are the target learners’ now also needs to read (if it didn't before) ‘and how will they be funded’? If the proposed qualification product looks like something that could appeal under a localism agenda, has the backing to provide a backbone for an apprenticeship, or would neatly fit with legal entitlement criteria, then maybe the development should go forward in another way?


With all the new funding arrangements I have some concerns:

  • I am anxious that under local commissioning funding can go towards ‘non-qualification bearing’ activity, such as training. Not that I don't like or think training on its own has value. My concern is ‘what the learners gain?’ and ‘how will the quality and/or outcomes measured?’
  • Similarly, those approved as ‘end point apprentice assessors’ don't necessarily have to be recognised awarding organisations (AOs).

For me these initiatives could begin to erode understanding and the importance of quality assurance and qualifications; the raised profile of non-qualification bearing products that gain status but may not have longevity; and that the system we were all beginning to understand is for nothing. I am apprehensive that the ordinary person will become more confused about what's on offer and whether it has any real currency or value in the wider world.


At this point I start to think, must think positive. The positive is the potential to provide differentiated products, not just qualifications. Which then brings me to scope of recognition. From Ofqual we know that if you are approved in a sector, at certain levels and it has those ‘qualification characteristics’ (in the raw form: content, assessment and certification) it must be regulated. These rules could be a little restraining in this new funding environment.


Agility in thinking and design, and some re-engineering possibly on recognition may be needed to take tomorrow's opportunities.


Please share your views on these issues in the LinkedIn Group - Awarding Organisations Network.


Heather Venis

Principal of Awarding First

 Next blog post due 20th May for more topical issues relevant to Awarding Organisations. 


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