The QCF barometer - survey findings

One thing is for sure: there is a lot of contradictions surrounding the QCF.  

Open for a little less than 2 weeks to take the temperature on current opinion about the QCF and to flush out potential issues and impacts of the possible withdrawal of the QCF, for me (Heather Venis) it is the survey comments that are most valuable.

Whilst the survey findings show some consensus on valuing the uniformity of qualification titles and structures, the jury was out on whether uniformity in assessment systems was such a good thing. However, support for maintaining credit and credit accumulation principles was more evident. 

The survey was NOT an alternative to the consultation being conducted by Ofqual as part of its work. All readers are encouraged to respond separately to the Ofqual consultations at  by the close date, 16th October.

 Download the report here 



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