Ofqual consultations

Ofqual have two consultations running concurrently, which are linked. The impact of the consultation on ‘Withdrawing the Regulatory Arrangements for the Qualifications and Credit Framework’ (QCF) is the most far reaching. AOs will potentially lose access to the unit bank, approvals will be based on ‘sectors’ and the requirement for unit structure and Rules of Combination (Roc) will go. It’s important to contribute your views as it will affect how AOs work.

Contact Heather Venis for a summary of the impacts:- Heather@awardingfirst.org.uk

The other consultation is on regularising how Guided Learning Hours (GLH) is estimated. Change is required due to the Government raising the participation age (RPA) policy. AOs processes for arriving at ‘total qualification time’ (TQT) may need more rigour. Have your say on this issue.

Both consultations run until 16 October 2014. http://ofqual.gov.uk/



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